Friday, January 14, 2011

CR-48 Audio Problems

I was able to consistently produce audio streaming problems using the WeatherBig app.
What gives? Anybody see this one?

I was able to duplicate this on the CR-48 with two different streaming audio sites.
1) install WeatherBug.
2) Install Santa Cruz CA, and Palo Alto CA as two tabs
3) To test, next do a cold boot.
4) Go to audio streaming site and start audio
5) Audio works fine 
6) Now go to apps tab and got to WeatherBug.
7) Select the Palo Alto tab.
 The audio turns into crackly sound and becomes unintelligible within 30 seconds. 

To fix you need to close the WeatherBug tab and do a cold reboot.

I have already reported this to Google.
The sites I saw this on are:
The Freakenomics podcast on the NY Times.
KGO 810 radio listen live.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Short overview of the Chrome Notebook

If anybody is confused by all this CR-48 business:

Hacking your CR-48 Profile Photo

You can use Piknik to do it, as outlined here:

However, that's pretty boring!

Alternatively, the profile photo exists on your hard drive at /home/chronos. This file is called If you have jailbroken your machine, and you downloaded a photo from the web, it will be in /home/chronos/user/Downloads. (You can get into the full shell from crosh by typing shell, and if you need superuser privileges, sudo su.)

You can just copy the file, renaming it as a .png file with your email that you use for logging in.   I was able to download a png file of a cartoon character and then, change my photo in this way.

Warning: I am not sure what it does if it finds no .png file, but a instead, or what happens if the .png file has dimensions that it doesn't like.

I suggest you back up your original photo, before you try this.

Friday, January 7, 2011

How would you change the Cr-48?

How would you change the Cr-48?

Replies on ChromeOSLounge.....

According to jbills the notorious trackpad issues may be due to the device driver.....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

ProQuest acquires ebrary

I am now working for ProQuest.

ebrary has just been acquired by ProQuest and is now a ProQuest division.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

CR-48 Mad Scientist Experiment

Now that I have jailbroken the CR-48, I downloaded Firefox for Linux, copied the .bz file to a new mozilla folder I created off my home directory, unpackaged it using tar, and attempted to run it.

The firefox launch script requires the Bourne shell, but I haven't been successful in getting it to launch yet, even after chown, chmod and sudo su.  I suspect that there are missing libraries, but I have been too lazy to investigate yet.

I know I don't need Firefox.  Chrome is my favorite browser.  However I think it would be neat if I can get this to work.  As a developer, you might need a tool only available in some other browser.

Anyway, I was also able to learn about my home directory, the file structure of the special chromeos user, where the downloads go, etc.

How To Root Or Jailbreak Google Chrome Cr-48 Notebook? [Developer Mode]

"Rooting or jailbreaking lets you get full access of your device. Rooting most of the devices is not easy and takes quite an effort before you can get root access. However rooting or jailbreaking the GoogleChrome Cr-48 Notebook is as easy as pushing a button! "

This is a very clear article describing what it takes to jailbreak a CR-48. Locating the black tape is the most difficult part, so the photos are a big help. (The comments folks leave on these jailbreaking articles are a crack up. Lots of people swear the switch is not there--it's under black tape on a black laptop!)

A couple of things of note. This process will wipe your local data. So if you haven't shaved, are hung over, or have your hair in curlers, etc. note you will lose your original attractive photo--it will ask you for a new photo and you have to set up starting over again. (My photo is now with bed hair and in a bathrobe.) Second, the switch takes 15 minutes, so don't try it if you have no battery time left without plugging it in.

(Remember, the whole concept is to get away from the idea of local data.)

Once you are in jailbreak mode, other then the nag screen that you have to hit Ctrl-D to bypass, your Chrome browser will work as before.

The limited ChromeOS shell, can be accessed using Ctrl-Alt-T as before. You can alternate between the shell and the Chrome browser as before by using Alt-Tab. (If you have multiple shells open this will also work. I've loaded over 20 or thirty shells at the same time.)

However, now you can go to a bash shell within the ChromeOS shell by typing "shell" (Ctrl-D or "exit" once takes you back). You can also get to a Bourne shell by typing "sh" within the bash shell.

Yes. This is an official feature. See the related article at chromestory: