Friday, January 14, 2011

CR-48 Audio Problems

I was able to consistently produce audio streaming problems using the WeatherBig app.
What gives? Anybody see this one?

I was able to duplicate this on the CR-48 with two different streaming audio sites.
1) install WeatherBug.
2) Install Santa Cruz CA, and Palo Alto CA as two tabs
3) To test, next do a cold boot.
4) Go to audio streaming site and start audio
5) Audio works fine 
6) Now go to apps tab and got to WeatherBug.
7) Select the Palo Alto tab.
 The audio turns into crackly sound and becomes unintelligible within 30 seconds. 

To fix you need to close the WeatherBug tab and do a cold reboot.

I have already reported this to Google.
The sites I saw this on are:
The Freakenomics podcast on the NY Times.
KGO 810 radio listen live.


  1. I get the same issue while streaming music, from

  2. There have been several reports of this. Can you track it down to an influence of an app, or is it happening to you generally?
